Net Impact

To inspire, educate, and provide Anderson Students with the necessary tools to intertwine business and social impact, creating a more just and sustainable world.


About Us

Net Impact is a global nonprofit organization with thousands of professional, graduate, and undergraduate members. With 300 global chapters, Net Impact takes on social challenges, protects the environment, and orients businesses and products toward the greater good.

UCLA Anderson's Net Impact chapter provides skills & education to and builds an ecosystem for MBA students across every sector who want to leverage their business toolkit towards social good.

Net Impact's mission is to inspire and empower Anderson students to drive social change on campus and throughout their careers. We provide the network and opportunities for students to become purpose-oriented leaders in every sector while at Anderson and beyond.









Members Benefits

  • Join a network of over 200 like-minded leaders in the social impact space
  • Participate in fun, issues oriented programming and connect with impact leaders
  • Gain access to resources that help you create impact throughout your career
  • Learn from industry experts on the social impact topics and space you care most about
  • Stay connected to the latest news in the impact spaces you care most about

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

Get our newsletter and stay in the loop.


Meeting new students with shared interest


Net Impact

110 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles CA 90095
United States